Santa aka the father of my children came through with the new camera! And let's just say that mommy is uber happy about her new toy!!
Neil researched and looked around and asked questions I never thought he would ask and found me an amazing camera. It's a 10.8 megapixel Sony ax200 SLR camera. For those that don't speak "camera" it's a REALLY fancy one that most people would be scared to use!! The best part is that I can get lenses and flashes and all that jazz as the years progress... Can you tell I'm stoked!!! :)
Now Santa wasn't too shabby to the rest of the family either. Everyone got what they wanted and more... well except Abby who is still sad that her "talking doll house" wasn't under the tree... she got a Barbie Dream Castle instead. Now let me preface this mean santa act with the fact that said dollhouse is $300.00... now would you buy your 3 year old a $300 plastic doll house... I don't think so!
Overall our holiday was filled with blessings and merriment that was enjoyed by all!!
On another note... you will not be surprised to hear that I'm making a new busines endeavor... still in the Gluten Free industry but a little off my current path... but you will get no more details until after the new year! HA! So keep you eyes peeled for the unveiling.... I know... I know.... you CAN wait!
Happy New Year to all!!!
Here are the first shots from my new camera! Abby was so tuckered out she fell asleep across our pillow. Didn't even make it under the covers. :)