So I was flipping through a magazine today and about half way through I noticed an add where a product was advertised as "BLOGWORTHY". Seriously?!! Has blogging gotten so big that now the advertising specialists are sending out ad's for products they deem blogworthy?
This new form of reaching the customer brings a few thoughts to mind...
1) Who determine's that said product is blogworthy? Is it the company, the marketing people, a panel of customers, the blue people who live on the moon? WHO?
(I certainly would not try the one I saw... it looked like I would bite into carboard bread with chewy chicken and cheese... yuck!)
2) Once said product is deemed blogworthy does that mean that when you try it you'll instantly run and blog about it to your friends and online pals?
3) Then when said products is finally blogged about does it matter if the review is good or bad? OR is it just to get the name out into cyberspace with little or no effort of the marketing folk??
Hmmm... what are your thoughts?!
Winter Ballet Performances Photos
4 months ago
Soon people will be saying I meet most my friend on blogs :) Wow! I need to get out more lol! What a great post! Sorry I haven't been by for a few work has been crazy busy! ♥ Hugs :)
I thought the candy cane oreos were Blogworthy. In fact I blogs about them often.
I have no clue about "bloggworthiness"... I guess I am still to new.
But I think YOU are bloggworthy! I gave you an award on my site!
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