I was reading through my facebook notes a few minutes ago (because there's nothing better to do at 11:23pm... LIKE SLEEP!! OI!) Anyhoo.... I was giggling at my 25 most random things about me posts and laughed even harder when I realized that my friend Nina challenged me to do another 25... they are RANDOM! I thought you would get a giggle out of my randomness!
So here they are straight from my facebook page to my bloggings fans....
Jenn's 50 random things! :) (one or two were changed to represent today not the day I wrote the lists!)
1. I am totally and completely addicted to Dr. Pepper
2. I can count the bones I haven't broken quicker than ones I have
3. Yes... I know that #2 is pretty pathetic!
4. I LOVE my husband with my whole being... though some days I want to hate him with my whole being!
5. I regularly feel certain I could die at any moment for no logical reason
6. I think I'm funny... do you?
7. If you don't like me... your problem! :)
8. I love to play the drums on Rockband... It's my way of getting agression out.
9. I love to swim
10. I hate bathing suits!
11. I am Gluten Free and proud!
12. My oven is no longer in the kitchen... no more buns for me!
13. I love to sing!
14. I'm so proud of my sister and her accomplishments in life!
15. I'm totally jealous of my sister
16. My favorite movie is "So I Married an Axe Murderer" hello! Campbell's Cup-o-ccino?
17. If I could sleep all day I would... seriously!
18. I feel incomplete if I'm not reading a book. I love to read!!
19. My husband is the biggest computer geek I know and I love him for it.
20. All 3 of my children are named after my family members.
21. I am the tallest girl in my family with the smallest feet! (6'1" size 9.5)
22. I am a Cancer Survivor
23. I have WAY TOO MUCH crap!
24. I love my relationship with Christ and try to nourish it daily
25. I hope one day to win an award as a community member or mother... I think those people are SO COOL!
26. I have recently found an amazing tummy holding tank that I now CANNOT live without called Yummie Tummie... try it!
27. It's 11:3890 and I've had 8 cans of Dr. Pepper... not good!
28. I'm the Vice President of my kids school's PTO
29. I hate lipstick! I can never find the right shade and only wear it when deemed "neccessary" tinted chapstick is a must though
30. My husband and I were married 3 months after our first date... yes VERY fast!
31. We've been married for almost 8 years now
32. My children are my life but I'm almost positive that they will someday be the death of me
33. I've lost 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks!
34. I handle money poorly. My own I mean. I want to be wise, and I can be, but being wise is so boring, and you never get to go to Agave or the movies when you are wise.
35. I was a cheerleader in High School. I was the only freshman on the cheer squad my freshman year. (there were a couple freshmen on the Song Squad)
36. My favorite color is RED! I love it! If my life could be enveloped in red I would be a happy girl :)
37. I hated high school... 'nough said!
38. I have 2 tatoos... winnie the pooh on my back which I got when I was 18 and 3 lady bugs on my big toe that I got last summer. The 3 bugs represent my kids... as I call them my little bugs. :)
39. I love flip-flops! If I could wear them all year long I would... freezing temps limit the foot function so I try to wear shoes during the winter.
40. My birthday is February 12th... feel free to make a big deal of it!
41. I am very envolved in my community. I have been on the board for our local ACS Relay for Life for the past 3 years. I volunteer for the local opera company and the local independent film festival. This year I will volunteer with the Britt Festival.
42. The real reason I'm envolved with all the artsy stuff is because I REALLY want to attend the shows but can't afford it... volunteering gets me free tickets! :)
43. I don't drink. I have before, but don't now. Mainly for religious and personal reasons but I just don't like it... it makes me feel sick even with one sip.
44. I once ran down my street naked on a dare... stupid stupid stupid!!
45. I own my own company.. Gluten Free Gourmet! Check it out! www.gfgourmet.net
46. I love my car! It's a TOTAL mommy mobile but it's very comfortable and is perfect for my family.
47. I love parades. But I hate how political they've become! I like current politicians riding on backs of cars but I hate that people have to walk down parade routes telling people they are overpopulating the world and to stop at 2 children... I want to walk behind them and scream "Families are Forever! Procreate and Replenish the Earth! Have 10 kids!!" oi!
48. I hate stupid people! I think that Bill Engvall's sign thought it BRILLIANT!! I wish I could enforce it!
49. I think bathing in a neccesary evil! I know that sounds gross.... but it takes up so much time! I don't want to stink or be dirty... but sometimes I just don't want to take the 5 minutes to hose myself down... I do it anyway!
50. I am an organized mess... it's drives my husband NUTS!!! Yes everything may be in piles but I know exactly what is in each pile and where in the pile it's located... he just calls it crap... boys... they just don't get it!
So there you go.... me listed in 50 random things! Feel free to add any in comment form ... I love hearing what others perceive of me! :)
Happy Blogging!
Winter Ballet Performances Photos
4 months ago
51. You make friends by blog stalking! haha! :)
I always love reading your posts!!! You totally make me laugh!
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