Wednesday, November 5, 2008


That is my comment for today... NO COMMENT! I'm so excited that all the political CRAP is no longer bombarding my life through the mail, TV, yard signs, tshirts and of course... stupid people...that I'm taking a non politics day. Yay for me! :)

Maybe I should make it a no politics for the rest of the week! Well considering our country is up for quite the adventure starting in January... who knows! If Canada didn't suck so much maybe I would move there!

Ok... enough of my rant! YAY election is over even though I think it's screwed us majorly... IT'S OVER!


Tana said...

What happened at the Opera? Aren't you even going to tell us? We've been waiting patiently here, just waiting all night and day.

Unknown said...


Thanks for visiting my blog! Any friend of Dr Pepper is a friend of mine (but I will admit I drink diet). Hope we are still free to buy it over the next 4 years....hahahahahaha!

Mandie said...

I'm with ya. I guess this means we get the next 4 years off since the DEMS are gonna take care of us and everything ;) How'd it go at the Opera?